



For 董事会决议 please click on the corresponding link below. For prior 董事会决议 please contact the  地区档案处.

  • 决议没有. 2023-24-1 -证明拟议的美世国际中学项目(BEX V)将根据提供国家资金援助的目的完成.
  • 决议没有. 2023/24-2 -对拟议的BEX V学校项目(乙醇小学)进行五(5)年使用/三十(30)年使用的认证.
  • 决议没有. 2023/24-3 -证明拟议的乙醇小学项目(BEX V)将根据提供国家资金援助的目的完成.
  • 决议没有. 2023-24-4 – Resolving that those persons newly elected November 7, 2023年至西雅图学区董事会被指定参加华盛顿州学校董事协会年会, 将于11月16日至18日举行, 2023, as representatives of the district.
  • 决议没有. 2023/24-5 -授权博士. 布伦特C. 琼斯, Superintendent; Fred Podesta, Chief Operations Officer; Dr. Kurt Buttleman, Assistant Superintendent of Finance; and Richard Best, 基本工程总监 & Planning, to sign on behalf of the Seattle School District No.1 in matters pertaining to state assistance for school construction.
  • 决议没有. 2023/24-6 – Certification of Excess Levies and Calculation of General Fund Levy Rollback for 2024.
  • 决议没有. 2023/24-7 -指导总监制定财政稳定计划,以解决2024-25学年1.05亿美元的预算赤字.
  • 决议没有. 2023/24-8 – Authorizing the use of an interfund loan, authorizing an amendment to the repayment plan of the Economic Stabilization Account; and authorizing the use of Capital Fund interest earnings for instructional supplies, 设备, 或者资本支出.
  • 决议没有. 2023/24-9 – Fixing and Adopting the 2024-25 budget.
  • 分辨率2022-23-1 – Certifying the 翼卢克 小学 School Replacement project as complete.
  • 分辨率2022 - 232 – Certifying that the District intends to comply with the RCW 39.10 .根据公共教育监督办公室(OSPI)表格D-5申请要求,在蒙特莱克小学现代化和扩建项目中使用替代公共工程承包程序或总承包商/施工经理(GC/CM)交付方法.
  • 分辨率2022-23-3 -证明将建造向公共教育监督办公室提交的项目申请书(OSP表格D-3)中确定的新设施,以取代现有设施的现代化, and that the existing facilities will be demolished.
  • 分辨率2022-23-4 – Certifying that the District intends to comply with the RCW 3 9 .根据公共教育监督办公室(OSPI) D-5申请要求,使用替代公共工程承包程序或总承包商/施工经理(GC/CM)交付方法进行乙醇小学增建和翻新项目.
  • 分辨率2022-23-5 – Certifying that the District intends to comply with the RCW 39.10根据公共教育监督办公室(OSPI) D-5申请要求,在约翰·罗杰斯小学替换项目中使用替代公共工程承包程序或总承包商/施工经理(GC/CM)交付方法.
  • 分辨率2022-23-6 -证明向公共教育监督办公室提交的项目申请(表格D-5)中所述的乙醇小学增建和翻新项目不会造成或加剧地区边界内的种族不平衡.
  • 分辨率2022-23-7 -证明向公共教育监督办公室提交的项目申请书(表格D-5)中所述的约翰·罗杰斯小学替代项目不会造成或加剧地区边界内的种族不平衡.
  • 分辨率2022-23-8 -证明向公共教育监督办公室提交的项目申请书(表格D-5)中所述的Asa Mercer国际中学替代项目不会造成或加剧地区边界内的种族不平衡
  • 分辨率2022-23-12 -证明拟议的BEX V Montlake小学扩建和现代化项目将根据提供国家资金援助的目的完成.
  • 分辨率2022-23-13 -证明拟议的BEX V Montlake小学扩建和现代化项目使用年限为五(5)年/使用年限为三十(30)年
  • 分辨率2022-23-14 -认证总监提交一揽子计划以平衡2023- 2024年运营预算. This portfolio of proposed actions, called the Fiscal Stabilization Plan, will include reductions to district operations and educational programs.
  • 分辨率2022-23-15 -证明该地区打算采用华盛顿州替代性公共工程法规(RCW 30)规定的总承包商施工经理(GC/CM)项目交付方法.10) for the following school construction project(s), 根据公共教育监督办公室(OSPI) D-5申请的要求(统称, “项目(s)”):
  • 分辨率2022-23-16 -Authorizing the use of the Economic Stabilization Account.
  • 分辨率2022-23-17 -证明拟议的约翰·罗杰斯小学替代项目(BEX V)将根据提供国家资金援助的目的完成.
  • 分辨率2022-23-18 -证明拟议的BEX V 约翰·罗杰斯小学替代项目使用年限为五(5)年/使用年限为三十(30)年
  • 分辨率2022-23-19 – Resolution of the Board of Directors of Seattle School District No. 1, King County, Seattle, 华盛顿 to fix and adopt the 2023-24 budget.
  • 分辨率2022-23-20 -授权终止正规买足球的App与华盛顿中学技术获取基金会之间的联合运营协议.

决议 Adopted by the Board

2021/22-2 证明在2月8日举行的分区特别选举中向该区合资格选民提交的意见书, 2022, of the proposition of whether excess taxes should be levied in the amount of $205,900,000 in 2022 for collection in 2023, 总共215美元,900,000 in 2023 for collection in 2024, 总共是225美元,000,000 in 2024 for collection in 2025, 表示超额税金可支付部分符合条件的活动费用,以支持本地区.

2021/22-3 Certifying that two-days be waived from the 180-day school year requirement for elementary school and K-8 schools of 正规买足球的App for the 2021-22 school year to permit these schools to establish a culture of care and provide supports for Kindergarten students and families; and provides assurances that the District will comply with the annual average requirement for instructional hours in RCW 28A.150.220(2).

2021/22-4 证明Van Asselt学校1909年建筑将用于教学目的至少五(5)年,并且Van Asselt学校1909年建筑的使用寿命将延长至少三十(30)年,并将本决议的正式认证副本提交给公共教育监督办公室(OSPI)。.

2021/22-5 证明丹尼尔·巴格利小学的现代化和扩建项目已经完成

2021/22-6 证明美世国际中学替换项目将包括拆除现有的约122栋建筑,300 square feet that will be replaced by a new facility of approximately 174,该决议的正式认证副本应提交给公共教育监督办公室(OSPI)。.

2021/22-7 在二月八日举行的分区特别选举中,向该区合资格选民核证所提交的资料, 2022, 批准一项额外征税的计划,以提供总计7.65亿元的资金,以资助这些大楼, 技术, 学术/体育V整个地区的教育设施改造和现代化项目,包括能源效率升级, 屋顶的替代品, 机械系统, interior and exterior renovations, 改善饮用水, acquisition and installation of technology 设备, and implementation of 培训 and other measures throughout the District to meet the current and future educational needs of its students; to replace the expiring capital levy, 该税将从2022年开始征收,为期6年,在2023年至2028年的历年征收.

2021/22-9 Certifying that the Board of Directors of Seattle School District No. I, in accordance with the provisions of WAC 392-347-015 and WAC 392-34 7-030, 证明林肯高中的体育馆和表演艺术中心设施将用于教学目的至少五(5)年,林肯高中的使用寿命将延长至少三十(30)年.

2021/22-11 Certifying collection of the 2022 Levy funds.

2021/22-12 证明代表的费用应由地区按法律允许的数额和方式支付, 董事会的政策, and district procedures; and the directors and representatives shall make a conference report to the Board at or before the first regularly scheduled meeting of the Board in January.

2021/22-13 敦促华盛顿州卫生委员会开始审查COVID-19疫苗接种,以便将其添加到学生上学前必须接种的免疫接种清单中, 一旦得到食品和药物管理局的完全批准,并得到免疫实践咨询委员会的建议.

2021/22-14 Accepting the Final Building Commissioning Report by Engineering Economics, Inc. 获得资助的BEX IV项目, 作为OSPI D-11释放保留申请的一部分,永路小学项目.

2021/22-15 Declaring that the lives of Black students matter, as well as the lives of all of our underserved students; affirming the demands of the Black Lives Matter At School Movement, 并鼓励全区参加从1月31日至2月4日的全国“黑人的命也重要”周活动, 2022 and Year of Purpose 2021-22.

2021/22-16 Certifying that the District intends to comply with the RCW 39.根据公共教育监督办公室(OSPI) D-5申请要求,在Asa Mercer国际中学替换项目中使用替代公共工程承包程序或总承包商/施工经理(GC/CM)交付方法.

2021/22-19 证明向公共教育监督办公室提交的项目申请(表格D-5)中提到的蒙特莱克小学现代化和扩建项目不会造成或加剧地区边界内的种族不平衡.

2021/22-23 Fixing and adopting the 2022-23 budget

2021/22-24 Requesting a waiver for the 2022-23, 2023-24 and 2024-25 academic years from the 180-day school year requirement (RCW 28A.150.根据RCW 28A,从公共教育监督办公室(“OSPI”)获得220).300.750, as provided for in WAC 180-18-030, WAC 180-18-040, and WAC 180-18-050.

决议 Adopted by the Board

2020/21-1 Certifying that the District intends to comply with the RCW 39.10根据公共教育监督办公室(OSPI) D-5申请要求,在Van Asselt学校扩建项目中使用替代公共工程承包程序或总承包商/施工经理(GC/CM)交付方法

2020/21-4 采用2020-2021学年的开学计划和远程学习模式(2020/21-4修订).2)

2020/21-4.1 重申和修订之前采用的2020-2021学年的开学计划和远程学习模式(由2020/21-4取代).2)

2020/21-4.2  再次重申和修改2020-2021学年的重新开放计划和远程学习模式 

2020/21-5  证明向公共教育监督办公室提交的项目申请(表格D-5)中所述的金博尔小学替代项目不会造成或加剧地区边界内的种族不平衡

2020/21-6 Certifying the 林肯 高中 Modernization and Addition project as complete

2020/21-7  支持豁免两个上课日,为教学人员提供远程学习专业发展的要求

2020/21-8  证明将建造新设施/在向公共教育监督办公室提交的项目申请(表格D-3)中确定的设施的增建设施,而不是对现有设施进行现代化改造, and that the existing facilities will be demolished (Van Asselt Addition Project)

2020/21-10 证明提交给公共教育监督办公室的项目申请(表格D-5)中提到的詹姆斯鲍德温小学项目不会造成或加剧地区边界内的种族不平衡

2020/21-11  证明向公共教育总监办公室提交的项目申请(表格D-5)中所述的Viewlands小学项目不会造成或加剧地区边界内的种族不平衡

2020/21-12  证明提交给公共教育监督办公室的项目申请(表格D-5)中提到的雷尼尔海滩高中替代项目不会造成或加剧地区边界内的种族不平衡

2020/21-13  Certifying collection of the 2021 Levy funds

2020/21-14 Declaring a portion of the 西西雅图 小学 School property as surplus

2020/21-15  Certifying that the District intends to comply with the RCW 39.10根据公共教育监督办公室(OSPI) D-5申请要求,在林肯高中二期项目中使用替代公共工程承包程序或总承包商施工经理(GC/CM)交付方法

2020/21-16  证明提交给公共教育监督办公室的项目申请(表格D-5)中提到的林肯高中二期项目不会造成或加剧地区边界内的种族不平衡

2020/21-17  Declaring that the lives of Black students matter, as well as the lives of all of our underserved students; that we affirm the demands of the Black Lives Matter At School Movement, 我们鼓励全区参加2月1日至5日举行的全国“黑人的命也重要”周活动, 2021 and Year of Purpose 2020-21

2020/21-18  Committing to transitioning the District to 100% clean, 可再生能源的目标是改善学生的健康和创造更可持续和公平的社区

2020/21-19  Certifying that the District intends to comply with the RCW 39.10 .根据公共教育监督办公室(OSPI) D-5申请要求,使用替代公共工程承包程序或总承包商施工经理(GC/CM)交付方法进行雷尼尔海滩高中替换项目

2020/21-20 证明该地区打算遵守WAC 392-344-130, 金博 ES的建设, 詹姆斯·鲍德温ES, Viewlands西文, 林肯HS, 雷尼尔海滩高中和Van Asselt学校项目将根据提供国家资金援助的目的完成

2020/21-21 向公共教育监督办公室提交的项目申请(表格D-5)中提到的Van Asselt学校扩建项目证明不会在学区边界内造成或加剧种族不平衡

2020/21-22 指定3月9日, 2021年作为纪念日,表彰和纪念小比利·弗兰克的一生和遗产., Nisqually, with leaders from the Muckleshoot Tribe, whose efforts spurred the Fish Wars movement, reaffirming treaty rights in Tribes’ usual and accustomed areas.

2020/21-23  接受kethly Barber Associates为资助的BEX IV/BTA IV项目提交的建筑调试报告, Daniel 巴格利小学扩建项目,作为OSPI D-11申请释放保留的一部分.

2020/21 – 24  Approving the district’s Academic and Student Well-Being Recovery Plan.

2020/21 – 26  博士授权. 布伦特C. 琼斯, Interim Superintendent; JoLynn Berge, Chief Financial Officer; Fred Podesta, Chief Operations Officer; and Richard Best, 基本工程总监 & Planning, to sign on behalf of the Seattle School District No.1 in matters pertaining to state assistance for school construction.

2020/21 – 27  Certifying the 木兰 小学 School Renovation and Addition project as complete.

2020/21 – 28  Fixing and adopting the 2021-22 budget.

2020/21 – 29  博士授权. 布伦特C. 琼斯, Interim Superintendent; Robert Gannon, Deputy Superintendent; JoLynn Berge, Chief Financial Officer; Fred Podesta, Chief Operations Officer; and Richard Best, 基本工程总监 & Planning, to sign on behalf of the Seattle School District No.I in matters pertaining to state assistance for school construction.

决议 Adopted by the Board

2019/20-1 首航中学(西南运动馆)田径改善项目竣工证明

2019/20-3  Certifying the 翼卢克 小学 School Phase I 项目完成

2019/20-4 Certifying Contract K1304 with Acc-U-Set Construction, Inc. 在多个学校地点搬迁和设置移动教室项目已经完成

2019/20-5  接受Wood Harbinger为BEX IV / BTA III项目编写的建筑调试报告, 忠诚高地小学项目现代化和扩建项目,作为公共教育监督办公室(OSPI)表格d11申请释放保留债券的一部分

2019/20-6 证明忠诚高地小学的现代化和扩建项目已经完成

2019/20-7 Certifying Contract P1448 with KCDA-Williams Scotsman, Inc. for the Move/Setup of Portable Classroom Modules at Multiple School Sites 

2019/20-8 Certifying Contract K5093 with KCDA-Williams Scotsman, Inc. for the Relocation and Setup of Portable Classrooms at Multiple School Sites

2019/20-9  Certifying 杆高度 Phase II 项目完成

2019/20-11 卡斯卡底古陆, 罗伯特·伊格尔手杖, Licton弹簧学校项目的BEX IV建筑调试报告

2019/20-17 Certifying collection of 2020 Levy funds

2019/20-18 Certifying new facilities/additions to 金博, 詹姆斯·鲍德温, Viewlands 小学 学校 Replacement Project

2019/20-19 Designating those persons newly elected November 5, 2019年作为该地区代表参加华盛顿州学校董事协会年会的西雅图买正规足球比赛的app

2019/20-20  Final Acceptance of Contract P5034 with Lydig Construction Inc. for the Wilson Pacific 小学 & 中学(卡斯卡迪亚小学,罗伯特·伊格尔斯塔夫中学和利顿泉K-8)项目

2019/20-21 New-in-Lieu Replacement Option for 雷尼尔山海滩 HS Replacement project

2019/20-23  Declaring that the lives of black students matter; and, 我们鼓励全区参加2月3日至7日举行的全国“黑人的命也重要”周活动, 2020

2019/20-25 Refinance 2010 Limited General Obligation refunding bonds

2019/20-28 Resolution on Inclusion for Our LGBTQIA+ Students, Staff, and Community

2019/20-29  暂停执行理事会政策以促进实施应对新型冠状病毒(COVID-19)的紧急措施

2019/20-30 白玉兰小学改扩建工程建筑调试报告验收

2019/20-31 Award Contract P5142 to Lydig for the 詹姆斯·鲍德温 小学 Replacement

2019/20-32 Acceptance of Building Commissioning Report for 林肯HS

2019/20-33  为应对新型冠状病毒(COVID-19),暂停州和地方的毕业要求

2019/20-35 Oppose Landmark Nomination of 雷尼尔山海滩 HS

2019/20-36  确认该地区的持续学习计划,并支持该地区向州教育部申请免除因COVID-19大流行而损失的教学时间

2019/20-37  Fixing and Adopting the 2020-21 Budget

2019/20-38  Affirming SPS Commitment to Black students

2018/19-1 接受keith Barber Associates为杆高度小学替代项目设计的建筑调试报告.

2018/19-2 Replacement for Educational Programs and Operations Levy

2018/19-3 Authorizing Denise Juneau, Superintendent; Stephen Nielsen, Deputy Superintendent; Dr. 莱斯特·赫恩登, Associate Superintendent of Facilities and Operations; and Richard Best, 基本工程总监 & Planning, to sign on behalf of the Seattle School District No. I in matters pertaining to state assistance for school construction.

2018/19-4 Requiring increased background checks, 培训, 时代的局限性, and waiting periods for sales or delivery of semiautomatic assault rifles; criminalize noncompliant storage upon unauthorized use; allow fees; and enact other provisions.

2018/19-6 Building Excellence V Capital Levy

2018/19-8 Interlocal Procurement Agreement

2018/19-9 Certification of 2019 Levy Collection

2018/19-11 小气鬼 中学 Reconfiguration Project

2018/19-12 Certifying the 小气鬼 中学 Reconfiguration project as complete

2018/19-13 门罗学校的鲑鱼湾K-8和迪凯特学校的地震升级项目已经完成.

2018/19-14 证明巴拉德高中屋顶更换和西西雅图屋顶更换项目已经完成

2018/19-15 学区内的小学和K-8学校在180天的日历中豁免三天,以便举行全日的家长/监护人/教师会议

2018/19-17 Black Lives Matter in 学校 Week

2018/19-18 Signatures of Authorized District Personnel for State Aid Programs

2018/19-19 证明拟议的丹尼尔巴格利小学现代化和扩建(BEX IV) & BTA IV)将根据提供国家资金援助的目的完成

2018/19-20 证明拟议的丹尼尔巴格利小学现代化和扩建(BEX IV) & BTA IV) for Five (5) Year Use/Thirty (30) Year Life

2018/19-21 证明便携式教室模块的购买和安装项目已经完成

2018/19-23 罗克斯希尔小学E.C. 休斯学校现代化 Project

2018/19-24 Certifying the Blaine K-8 Water Mains and Fire Sprinklers project as complete

2018/19-25 Certifying the Synthetic Turf Replacement, 罗斯福高中的轨道重铺路面和场地照明基础设施项目已经完成

2018/19-27 Certifying the 罗克斯希尔小学E.C. 休斯学校现代化

2018/19-31 Fixing and adopting the 2019-20 budget

决议 Adopted by the Board

2017/18-1  证明永路小学改建工程不会造成或加剧种族不平衡

2017/18-2  Daniel 巴格利小学现代化扩建项目的公共工程承包程序或总承包商施工经理(GC/CM)交付方法 

2017/18-3  Career and Technical Education (CTE) Partnerships

2017/18-4 Certification of 2018 Operations Levy

2017/18-5 Supporting Undocumented Students

2017/18-6 Requesting Inclusion of School Uses in Fort 劳顿 EIS

2017/18-7  证明林肯高中5年的教学建筑使用寿命和30年的建筑寿命

2017/18-9  反对对西雅图市市政法规SMC的任何修改,允许特许学校寻求偏离建筑发展标准

2017/18-10  确认在所有高中公平获得高级课程的愿景,并制定2021- 2022年实施的详细计划.  

2017/18-12  Approving the Purchase of 18 Acre Parcel located at 13001 MLK Jr. 方式年代. 

2017/18-13  证明林肯高中的现代化项目不会造成或加剧地区边界内的种族不平衡.  

2017/18-14  To declare that the lives of black students matter, as well as the lives of all of our students of color, 我们鼓励整个学区从2月6日起参加全国黑人生命也重要的学校周活动. 5-7, 2018.

2017/18-15 Accepting the building commissioning report by Engineering Economics, Inc. for the 奥林匹克山 小学 School Replacement project

2017/18-16 证明拟议在现有永路小学旧址进行的替代建筑工程将按照提供州政府配套资金的目的完成.

2017/18-17 To declare support for sensible gun safety legislation, declare opposition to efforts to arm educators in our schools, and declare support of the March for Our Lives on March 24, 2018.

2017/18-18 To fix and adopt the 2018-19 budget.

决议 Adopted by the Board

2016/17-1        Acknowledgment of Duwamish Nation

2016/17-3      Racial Imbalance Analysis for EC Hughes 小学 School Renovation Project

2016/17-4       Racial Imbalance Analysis for 木兰 小学 School Renovation and Addition Project

2016/17-5       Intent to Construct: 忠诚的高度 小学 School Modernization and Addition Project

2016/17-6        Certifying Excess Levies and Calculations of General Fund Levy Rollback

2016/17-8       丹尼尔·巴格利小学现代化扩建项目的种族不平衡分析

2016/17-9        Intent to Construct: EC 休斯学校现代化 Project

2016/17-10      5-year use/30-year Building Life:  E.C. Hughes 小学 School Modernization project

2016/17-11      5-year use/ 30-year Building Life: 忠诚的高度 Modernization project

2016/17-12       确认外汇局的规定, 欢迎, and Inclusive 学校 for All Students without Regard to Race, 宗教, 国家的起源, 或移民身份

2016/17-13       全额资助基础教育

2016/17-14      Intent to Construct: 木兰 小学 School Renovation and Addition Project

2016/17-15      5yr Use/30yr Building Life: 木兰 小学 School Renovation and Addition Project

2016/17-16      Building Commissioning Report for the 西雅图世界学校 at T.T. 小型现代化项目

2016/17-17      Supporting Ethnic Studies in 正规买足球的App

2016/17-18      Building Commissioning Report for the 黑狼 K-8 at Pinehurst Replacement Project

2016/17-20      Building Commissioning Report for the 杰纳西山 小学 School Replacement Project

2016/17-21      Intent to Construct: 林肯 高中 Modernization

2016/17-23      Allowing Usage of a Portion of the Economic Stabilization Account

2016/17-25      New-in-Lieu Replacement Option for the 翼卢克 小学 School Project

2016/17-27      制定和通过预算